May Sound Journey – 18.05.17

Hello sound travellers…

I invite you to join me for a very special May Sound Journey, in the cosy space of Shiatsu Do.

The session will last 2 hours and include time for drinking tea (at the end of the session), as well as some gentle voicework before we start the sound journey to bring us into harmony and resonance..

This event is facilitated by sound artist and musician Yan White (Uran will be abroad for this one).

We will be joined by amazing Bansuri player Gaurav Uniyal.
Be transported on waves of soothing Raag, accompanied by Yan on the Guitar.

“Of all the arts, music has the greatest power to take us away effectively, easily, immediately and fully from the mundane plane and keep our spirit completely absorbed in the Supreme Soul that dwells in our inner self”

Sound Mandala creates a safe magical space using sound, scent and meditation for anyone wishing to slow down, reconnect and revitalise.

The sound journey works with hypnagogic and lucid dream states, increased sensory sensitivity by bringing our focus mainly on hearing (Pratyahara), and being guided safely on a journey where we can float on waves of sound..

My background in teaching yoga, music composition / performance, kirtan and leading voice workshops allows me to offer a holistic nourishing experience.

We will tune our chakras using voice, return to balance with Himalayan bowls, experience a cleansing ritual in a jungle soundscape and explore uncharted territories of creative sacred space through careful blending of multi-channel electronic and acoustic sounds. We will be using a colourful mix of instruments such as bells, shakers, shamanic drum, harmonium, guitar and flutes.

Our sound journey is a facilitated space where you are invited to rest in awareness of sound for 90 minutes. Most of this time will be relaxing in savasana.

Yoga mats, futons, blankets and pillows are provided for ultimate warmth and comfort.

Cost: £15 / £10 if you bring a friend

You can pay at the door but we have limited spaces to 24 (and we may get fully booked) so please reserve your place by making payment through meetup:

(If you are not a member of meetup: you can either join or paypal direct to [email protected], including an email letting us know that you have paid).

If you bring a friend you can both pay £10 each. You can pay at the door or if you want to reserve your place you can pay £20 online for two people and send an email (You can change the amount you pay on the Payment section of Meetup).

Please note:

Due to the meditative nature of this event we need to start at 7:30pm and request that you arrive at 7:15 to have time to settle, have a drink of water and whatever you need to do to transition into comfort before we begin. Doors will be open from 7:00pm.

We will need to close the doors at 7:30pm so we cannot admit any latecomers.

#soundjourney #soundbath #meditation

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